3-31 – FR – More therapy and walking for Jody. I stayed from 8:45 until about 1:30.
I helped out the therapist with walking Jody. She’s doing ‘okay’. Hard to get her out of the wheelchair though. Once she’s out and up, she does good with a walker.
It’s going to take some work to get her up and walking all on her own
I wheeled her out to be on the patio. We’ve been doing this pretty much every day now.
Also talked to social services about having in-home help since she won’t be allowed to stay there once she goes back on the chemo pills which will probably be about the 11th or so.
Possibly Jody would be discharged between the 7th and 10th.
Oncologist appointment on the 10th
3-30 – TH – Jody did rehab. Her 4th day. She walked further than previously. She still has an issue with ‘resisting’ to want to walk. I think this could be quite a problem. Also, I found out, once she starts up on the chemo pills (5 a month), she can no longer be at the care center. So I’ll have to check out options for in-home care. She won’t start these until the week of the 10th.
I did happen to be able to bring Jody home for the first time after 5 weeks in the hospital and care center. We got to watch the Rays opening day. This was awesome as we’ve been to all opening day games since 2008, so just having her in home with me watching the game was special. Ashlee and family came over to.
We’ve been to well over 250 Rays games through the years. Some pics from the past Rays games.
3-29 – Another good day for Jody. Walked further than she did in the previous 3 sessions (with a walker). She stayed up most of the day. I got there about 9:30 and left about 1:30.
Hoping for continued progress.
I’m also “hoping” she won’t stay much more longer than another week or 1 ½ weeks at the care center. I’d like to get her in-home care once she can walk…even if she has to still walk with a walker
appoint on Tuesday for an MRI (Bardmoor)
appoint on Wed with Shore Acres Care Center
appoint on Thursday to discuss MRI results (Bardmoor)
appoint on Monday with oncologist on the Chemo pill plan (probably 5 a month)
Attitude Custom Painting is officially closed after 21 years. The booth is gone and the shop is empty.
THANK YOU to all our customers!!!
You guys are all awesome. Both Jody and I really created a lot of friends through those years. I loved doing all the “challenging” jobs that you guys brought to me. I truly loved doing it and making everyone happy. Jody loved watching your faces and hearing all the compliments when you picked up your parts and jobs.
Sorry to see it go, but Jody was the backbone behind the business, and I can’t continue running it, without her.
Please continue keeping Jody in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you!
Scott and Jody Farrell
3-28 – TUES – Good day for Jody. Did 2 therapy sessions. Both had to do with walking. She did good.
Of course she had to use a walker, but she walked both times further than she had yesterday (and definitely more than anytime in the past month).
I was there at 8:45 until 3. Ash was there the second therapy session. We sat out on the patio a couple of times. Good day!
3-27 – MO – 3-27 MO Not too bad of a day. I went to the shop and got the last load. Got at the shop about 7:45. Then went to see Jody. Got there about 8:45. Stayed until about 1. Then she had to be shuttled to the oncologist for a 2PM appoint. Ash showed up the same time I got there. They did some blood work. All seemed good. Talked to Dr Kamath. She will be ordering more chemo pills. She mentioned 5 a month.
She had a good therapy session at rehab. Walked about 30 steps with a walker and did some other very light leg and arm exercises. Tomorrow, hoping for 2 therapy sessions. The oncologist even mentioning getting her walking with a walker, and then just bringing her back home. She’s already better than she was pre-hospital which was caused by blood clots. I mentioned before, that I was told it was from not moving around after radiation. Seems that this is fairly common after radiation and chemo. So that’s good. Love to get her back home!!!
3-26 – SUN I went to the rehab about 9:00. Kirsten our neighbor came out about 9:30. Then Jody’s Kellie came out about 10:30. Stayed on the patio with Jody until about 11:30. She had a good day. Jody slept early afternoon. I left about 1:15
Nate, Ash and the girls went out about 3 and stayed with her. Nate did a FB post. Lots of support for Jody!
3-25 – SAT Last day for her brother John to be here. Heading back to snowy NH.
Saw Jody for about 4 hours today. Ash, Sabrina, John and I wheeled her out to the patio where we stayed for about 2 hours. She did great. She loved being outdoors.
Her friends Elaine and Rebecca showed up about 3:30. They took her out to the patio and out front! Looks like in the pictures she had a good time 🙂
3-24 FR – Big day for Jody as they will take her to the therapy room and get her moving as much as possible.
Jody did therapy. First day she has walked in pretty much exactly a month. Of course she used a walker, but at least she was able to support herself and walk. She was awake when I got there
As far as the shop, I had someone bring a couple benches and a cabinet to my house. So the shop is almost empty. I have to be out by the end of the month.
3-23 – THUR – Went to see jody at the rehab location (Shore Acres). Not exactly the place I like seeing Jody in, so I hope they can get her up and moving around asap. They do get decent reviews so that helps seeing those.
Jody slept quite a bit when me and her brother John were there. She woke up a couple hours after we got there.
She went back to sleep about 1:30 so we ended up leaving to let her sleep. She must have stayed up late the night before.
Today (FR the 24th) is a big day as they will attempt to get her up and take her to the therapy room to see what she can do. Both me and John will be there to encourage her. They mentioned that would be good to be there for her.
John leaves Saturday to go back to NH
3-22- WED – Good day for Jody. Got moved up to the 2nd floor late yesterday which is good. This means you’re close to being discharged. She got her own mini TV, so we got to watch the Rays game at 1PM.
I talked to the case manager and we discussed what little options there were. She was transported to Shore Acres Rehab. Ashlee was there at the hospital when they wheeled her down. She was going to follow and check out the room and the place. It seems to get ‘decent’ reviews. I really don’t expect her to stay in too long…let’s hope.
One step closer to being back home. I fully expect her to be able to walk through our home front door instead of having the use the wheelchair like the 2 weeks before she went into the hospital.
3-21 TUES- Good day for Jody. Got there about 9:30. Stayed until about 2. She was fairly alert. I’d consider this a another good day. Previously we’d see a decent day, then an all right day, bad day…but recently pretty consistently good lately
3-20 – Not much had changed. Jody was doing good. Gets tired in the afternoon
They are finally talking about discharging. So hopefully this week. I think it’s been 11 days in the hospital
She had an oncologist appoint yesterday but obviously had to cancel.
Went in to see how the booth take-down went. They made a total mess of the shop. Plus they stole the curb and top of stack that was supposed to remain since it was part of the building
3-19 – SUN – Spent 9-1:30 at the hospital. Jody was doing good. Was alert, ate decent. Very slowly starting to be herself again. Memory was a little off today though. I think she up all night. I got a text at 3AM and Kelli got one at 2AM.
She was sleeping when I left. I know Ashlee and Nate were heading down shortly after I left.
Don’t know a discharge day yet. Possibly early this week I hope. She’s been in there 11 days now.
She looked the fundraiser pictures along with the posts on FB. She couldn’t believe all the comments and pictures 🙂
What an awesome fundraiser our daughter Ashlee put on along with Nate, and help from Kirsten!
3-18 – SAT. Probably Jody’s best day yet. She was talkative, laughing, carrying on. Not sleeping much during the day.
She was texting, and on FB. Kel, Elaine, Ash, and Nate also came by during the day.
It was her brother’s 60th today. I wished she could have made it. Great party. He and wife Susan stayed on Treasure Island so we all went out there.
They started taking down the spray booth early AM. 🙁 I haven’t been to the shop yet to see how it’s going.
-17 – FR Went in to see Jody about 10:30. She was doing decent. Got tired by the middle of the afternoon.
Unsure of the day she will get out of the hospital. When she does, she’ll go to a rehab center. I think we’ve decided on Gulf Shore Rehab
Guys came in to remove the sprinkler system for the spray booth. Once this is done, of course, I can no longer paint. So ACP will be done. 🙁
3-16 – TH – The support at the “Fundraiser for Jody” at OCC was absolutely incredible.
Family, friends, neighbors, all gathered in support of Jody. I SOOooo wish Jody was there.
I did take quite a few pictures and a couple videos as I know some other did the same.
Our daughter Ashlee, and husband Nate, did an awesome job along with help from neighbors Kirsten her daughter Bree and Randi REALLY helped. The list goes on.
Thanks sooo much.
Looking at the photo collages that Bree created along with our grandaughters Sabrina and Vanessa were very touching.
It took awhile before I could go up and look at them (happy tears)
Thank you all
Also, good news is that after 8 days recovering from sepsis and lower blood pressure (and blood clots) she was moved from ICU to recovery. I have to decide on where she will go for therapy. The choices they gave me were not even close to our home. I can drive to Palm Garden on Starkey without even leaving our subdivision. We’ll see on this.
I need to decide quickly as they plan on releasing her on Monday
Fundraiser at OCC
3-15 – WED. Good day for Jody. Stopped by the hospital before work at 8. She was already awake. She was doing good. Went back in the afternoon until she fell asleep, went back to work, then came back for a couple more hours.
They were doing some therapy to see if she can walk. They had her outside the room (first time in a week). This will be a long road for recovery though. BP is looking good. Almost have her completely off the IV that keeps the BP up.
She will be moved upstairs probably within the next 2-3 days I would think.
Fundraiser at OCC tomorrow!!!!
3-14 – TUES – Jody’s best day by far. Kelli went in early to see Jody and she did great. Holding conversation, moving her arms, laughing. Great day. John went to the hospital about 9:30 and let me know he saw the same thing. I went to see Jody about 11, and it was very nice to see. Kel and John left, and I sat by her as she slept a couple hours. Ashlee showed up and she was still tired so she wasn’t as active as earlier.
She ate a good breakfast and ate some lunch and a little bit of supper.
They did a MRI as I requested earlier. Though we haven’t heard the results yet.
She is almost completely off the IV to keep her blood pressure up and rid of sepsis.
Fundraiser coming up very soon on the 16th. Jody will not be able to be there as she still might be in the hospital and we definitely don’t want her to get sepsis again which is basically a full body infection which is easier to get when your immune system is down due to all the chemo pills she has taken.
Pretty much did my last job for Attitude Custom Painting today
3-13 – MON – Worked a few hours today, changed and went to the hospital which is around the corner from the shop (Northside). Other family visited through the day. I stayed until about 4:30.
I talked to the doctor to see if they could get another MRI to see if the brain is swelling since the rest of her body is swelling due to the IVs. They agreed that was a good idea. The sepsis is almost gone. She possibly may be moved from ICU upstairs to a recovery room.
She seems ‘okay’. Responsive, but slow. She slept a lot during the time I was there.
We’ll probably either consider in-home rehab or at a rehab location. We live behind Palm Garden, so this might be an option.
The guy that bought my booth, resold the booth, so both take-down will start this weekend or early next week.
I have to be out by the end of the month. So Attitude Custom Painting will no longer be doing business.
I will miss ALL my customers and doing business with them. Jody was the backbone of the business, and was there for the 21 years. It’s too hard to be in the shop without her and I had already moved EVERYTHING out into the new shop that was owned by someone. They mentioned I could work out of there for awhile to get me through, but they changed their mind and had issues with their other booth which left me in a huge dilemma (see below)
Attitude Custom Painting – March 2002-March 2023 – A very sad time in our lives right now.
With the funds from the fundraiser, I’m sure I’ll tend to Jody and figure out what I’m going to do for the next chapter of my life.
Our daughter Ashlee says the fundraiser is coming along. She’s really put a TON of effort into this along with our neighbor Kirsten and daughter Bree which made some of the signs with pictures of Jody.
Remember it’s March 16th, Bike Night. 50/50, Silent Auction. If you can’t make it, she set up a GoFundMe page.
Thank you all!!!
3-12 SUN. Went in to the hospital all day. She was quiet during most of the day. When dinner came around 5, I finally got her to eat. This was very good to see. Then she was more talkative and laughing. A great way to end the day at the hospital.
Also, the reason they can’t keep her blood pretty up to normal is because she has sepsis. They are slowly getting this out of her body. Everything else is good. I’m going to call our radiation Dr on Monday – Dr Traylins
3-11 – SAT Went in to see Jody at the hospital. She was doing good. She was sleeping when I got there. I got there early though about 8:15. My parents came in to say hi. Stayed about 1/2 hour.
She also had some friends come in for awhile. Ash and Vanessa came down. Jody was out though so I left since I had a lot to do at the house. Also, Jody’s brother will be coming into town this evening.
They got Jody’s blood pressure stabilized which was a big issue yesterday.
They had moved her from the bed to the chair. The therapists came in to start therapy, but unfortunately, they said that she is still strong and were unable to get her to walk as she was giving them a struggle.
I was hoping they had some way to get her to walk .
So, as I suspected, this means most of it’s mental of why she can’t walk or stand up. which is not good at all.
This is the reason she’s in the hospital in the first place…she sat most of the time. I got her up and wheeled her around when I could.
Our family has to decide on the next step.
3-10 FR — Jody is still in the hospital. They are having trouble keeping her blood pressure up.
I’ll be at the hospital most of the day.
She is not eating, but is drinking Ensure.
Her brother John comes in today. This was planned a couple months ago.
Jody had purchased Lightning tickets for me and my son in law Nate for tonight’s game as a Christmas gift.
Going to a tough one to go to go 🙁
3-9 TH – Went in the hospital to see Jody, she is recovering from having the clots removed (see details below which I just added). Went in at 8AM, had to work a couple hours during the day, then back to see Jody for the rest of the day. Ashlee and other family members came to see her through the day.
I expect her possibly to stay through the weekend.
3-8 WED Worked until 3. Jody’s sister Kelli came over and watched Jody from 10-3. Jody did good. Nice relaxing day for her. Not much going on. Resting, sleeping, watching TV. I won’t update this page as often, most likely not much will change. We’re just hoping that Jody keeps eating, drinking and try to start moving around on her own and start this slow healing process that may take 2-3 months.
Jody took her first bites of regular food. It’s been well over a month. She’s lived on Boost, Ensure and Pedialytes.
Kirsten’s egg salad. She took 3 bites this afternoon and 3 tonight. It’s a good start!
Added – 3-9 Had a horrible scare late at night last night (Tuesday night). I and a neighbor went to help move Jody out of the recliner onto the couch. Once she got over there, she was breathing extremely heavy and fast. I texted and called our daughter Ashlee over. We called 911, and Largo and Seminole ambulances came out. She was taken to Northside hospital.
They did a CTscan and found she had multiple blood clots blocking the artery going from her heart to her lung.
Our daughter and I left the hospital at 3AM that morning
We got a call at 5:30 AM telling us about the problem and wanting to do a procedure that would inject medicine into the vein to dissolve. They did the procedure early AM, but they used one that actually went in to retrieve the clots.
That took a couple hours to do while we waited in the waiting room.
Very scary as we both thought she wasn’t going to make it. She did though. She’s doing good.
the blood clots are caused when someone sits too much, They tend for form in the legs, and then travel toward the heart.
So she has to move along with eating. These are priorities when she comes home in a couple days.
We had some family members come in during the day to see Jody. I was there most of the day, but had to work a couple hours. The shop is right around the corner on 62nd ave. Then went back to stay with Jody.
This was a VERY long night and day.
Our neighbor Kirsten has been a HUGE help. She started a food train ( in never heard of it until recently). Neighbors pitch in meals so it saves on cooking along with having to shop. The meals are pretty much every other day. What a huge contribution. Kirsten has been with us for most of the way of this process. She’s done SO MUCH. I don’t know what I’d do without her and our daughter Ashlee.
So many people have contributed and helped out. My parents, friends, neighbors, our daughters friends. The motorcycle community. The support list goes on…THANK YOU TO ALL
3-7 TUES Jody did wake up looking better. Her speech is quite a bit better than yesterday.
Today we went to the oncologist. We found out that Jody was very dehydrated and her hemoglobin levels were very low. So this explains why she is so week. They injected IV fluids in her. Once both are back to par, Dr Kamath feels that she will have more energy. Also, she said she has to start eating. Overall a much better day for Jody.
3-6 MO – Unfortunately, Jody’s health was not that great this morning. Though the doctors said that it would take 2-3 months to get pretty much back to normal, I see her health decline over the weekend. I have to stay optimistic as possible. We see the oncologist tomorrow AM. We’ll see what she has to say.
I ended up calling Dr Trailins and they mentioned they want Jody to take 4mg steroids 4 times a day. They feel it’s the inflammation from the radiation.
Me, Ash, Jody and Lucy all went for a long walk. Went to the end of 102nd.
I had 100% of my stuff except the spray booth out of our shop into another shop and they were going to let me work out there. they have changed their mind, they no longer want my spray booth so they are trying to sell it, and really don’t want me working out of their current booth since I have quite a bit of work flow. Plus their other booth is not complete anyway. They are not allowed to work on their booth for another few weeks as the fire marshal found out.
They had already purchased my assets inc the spray booth back in December. So unsure what will happen
Lot’s going on right now – Life has thrown me/us a curve ball in more ways than one
Please continue keeping Jody in your prayers and thoughts. It feel it will truly take a miracle. 🙁
3-5 SUN – Our daughter Ashlee came over and we took Lucy and Jody on a 1 1/2 hour walk around the neighborhood and 102nd ave by the canal. A beautiful day in more ways than one.
3-4 SAT – Took Jody around the neighborhood along with Lucy our dog. Also walked down the end of 102nd behind our home. There is a nice canal at the end. Jody used to take Lucy down there quite a bit during the week.
Nice to get out. She had some friends come over early afternoon.
Ash, Nate and Vanessa came over at 5:30 and brought pizza. Jody was all worn out. She slept pretty much the complete time they were here. Ash and Nate said the silent auction items are coming together great. Our neighborhood is putting together a SUPER NICE beach themed package. I mentioned to the person in charge, Kirsten that it’s ironic that I met Jody at the beach in 1984. (Madeira Beach – Archibald’s)
Jody’s brother comes down next Sat. He’ll be here for the fundraiser 3-16 held at OCC Road House. Jody also has some friends flying in for the event. The fundraised is on Bike Night so it will be packed!!!
3-3 FR #32 Last radiation!!!!!!!! It’s been a long 6 weeks, but Jody made it.
We’ll see how this all works out when she starts the recovery process which could take awhile. They mentioned 2-3 months. For the past week or so, she’s had confidence issues where she would take quite a bit of time to do as little as standing up, getting in the wheel chair, getting in and out of the car….due to the swelling of the brain from all the treatments.
So proud of her!
3-2 TH – #31 today. ONE more to go.
3-1 WED #30 treatment They decided that Friday will be the last one. So 2 more treatments to go!!!
Then approx 4 weeks before MRI
We opted to get the Optune device.
Much better getting into the Jeep. Her sister Kelli came to help out.
Oncologist appoint early next week to see how many chemo pills a month.
Jody has had recent episodes where she would feel nauseous and then lose her memory temporarily.
we got her set up to see a doctor early October 3, 2022
This is a been an extremely trying and drawn out process the past months (since 8/22).
Please keep Jody in your thoughts and prayers
Jody’s (and mine) worst fear is that it’s GBM (Glioblastoma). Let’s hope it’s not this, or at least it is caught early enough they can take care of it through surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Her father passed away in 2005 with this at the age of 63. Jody is 56. This does not mean Jody has it, Her father’s cancer progressed very quickly as it only took about 2 1/2 months. We’re past that timeframe with Jody when the tumor was first diagnosed.
EDIT – We we’re told that Jody does have GBM. They are going with an aggressive treatment
2/27/ –I knew our daughter and son-in-law was getting together a 50/50 for Jody, but didn’t realize, she was also doing a silent auction fundraiser (well over 20 contributors) along with a GoFundMe page.
The Charity Event will be held at OCC (Bert’s Harley-Davidson) March, 16th, 2023
Our neighbor Kirsten has started a neighborhood fundraiser and started gathering items for a ‘beach themed’ silent auction item for OCC. She has done So much for us. She’s an incredible person. She started a ‘meal train’ which I had never hear of and so much other help since the beginning. A LOT and I mean a LOT of neighbors are pitching in, in
either donations, meal drive, or some super nice comments on FB.
Next store neighbors Derek and Heidi and absolutely awesome on helping me along all this. We went camping together at Fort DeSoto back when this all started and I mentioned seeing some signs.
It’s just been a super LONG grueling process/journey. It’s so nice to have family, friends (both new and old), neighbors, and our “Woods at Lake Seminole” community pitch in.
I won’t lie, it’s been extremely overwhelming to be the “receiver” of all this generosity, but I want everyone know, that it is greatly appreciated
We were told that brain cells are stronger than cancer. The radiation / chemo pills will kill off the cancer cells before the brain cells.
As of 1-21-23, Jody is doing good.
As of 2-23-23 Jody is getting weak. No appetite. The doctors said this is pretty normal for this type of aggressive treatment of radiation and chemo pills
3-10 Jody was taken by ambulance 3-8 and still in the hospital
She can get through this though. She’s a fighter. Young and in good health.
You can do this babe – 37 years strong – #jodyfstrong
Feel free to leave encouraging comments down at the lower part of this page
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store
I caught up this evening on Jody’s progress. Glad to see she is out of the hospital and into rehab. Hopefully home soon. Wonderful to see that John was able to come down to see her. Family is everything when your going through this horrible journey of Cancer. Sorry that your career has been turned upside down, but Jody is your main priority now and you will do just fine. Your family is right there supporting you and Jody and we still are praying for a complete recovery for her. Prayers still coming in from this Texas friend. StayStrongJody.
Anxious to get her home from rehab. She’s basically learning to walk all over again. Sad, but she is making progress.
It’s very nice to have so much support from the family, neighbors, customers, friends….
That definitely helps, because like you said, this is a very long journey and process.
Hope to get her home soon so we can do some in-home therapy.
Thank you Bob for sharing. Very sorry both us have to go through this along with others with the same type of disease.
This is definitely one tough battle, not only for Jody, but me and the rest of the family.
Going through it one day at a time, one hour at a time, minute by minute is the only way to get through.
Scott – As I read your updates its as if I am re-living my father’s battle. He had metastatic melanoma, advanced, in his lungs, liver, and brain. He went through brain radiation and we had a similar struggle with him – he was very physically strong, but had difficulty getting his legs to do what he wanted them to do. It left him frustrated and upset. The physical therapist left us a belt that we used to lift him up and keep him moving around doing laps around the house. We did our best to keep encouraging him, pumping him up…its a tough, tough battle…some days great, other days not-so great. The disease and treatment really hammers these poor folks…and to see them endure it is emotionally, mentally and physically draining on everyone…please take things one day at a time, one hour at a time, minute by minute. Getting through this phase of recovery is key, and probably the most grueling. Jody, you and your family remain in my constant prayers.