Jody has had recent episodes where she would feel nauseous and then lose her memory temporarily.
we got her set up to see a doctor early October 3, 2022
This is a been an extremely trying and drawn out process the past months (since 8/22).
Please keep Jody in your thoughts and prayers
Jody’s (and mine) worst fear is that it’s GBM (Glioblastoma). Let’s hope it’s not this, or at least it is caught early enough they can take care of it through surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Her father passed away in 2005 with this at the age of 63. Jody is 56. This does not mean Jody has it, Her father’s cancer progressed very quickly as it only took about 2 1/2 months. We’re past that timeframe with Jody when the tumor was first diagnosed.
EDIT – We we’re told that Jody does have GBM. They are going with an aggressive treatment
2/27/ –I knew our daughter and son-in-law was getting together a 50/50 for Jody, but didn’t realize, she was also doing a silent auction fundraiser (well over 20 contributors) along with a GoFundMe page.
The Charity Event will be held at OCC (Bert’s Harley-Davidson) March, 16th, 2023
Our neighbor Kirsten has started a neighborhood fundraiser and started gathering items for a ‘beach themed’ silent auction item for OCC. She has done So much for us. She’s an incredible person. She started a ‘meal train’ which I had never hear of and so much other help since the beginning. A LOT and I mean a LOT of neighbors are pitching in, in
either donations, meal drive, or some super nice comments on FB.
Next store neighbors Derek and Heidi and absolutely awesome on helping me along all this. We went camping together at Fort DeSoto back when this all started and I mentioned seeing some signs.
It’s just been a super LONG grueling process/journey. It’s so nice to have family, friends (both new and old), neighbors, and our “Woods at Lake Seminole” community pitch in.
I won’t lie, it’s been extremely overwhelming to be the “receiver” of all this generosity, but I want everyone know, that it is greatly appreciated
We were told that brain cells are stronger than cancer. The radiation / chemo pills will kill off the cancer cells before the brain cells.
As of 1-21-23, Jody is doing good.
As of 2-23-23 Jody is getting weak. No appetite. The doctors said this is pretty normal for this type of aggressive treatment of radiation and chemo pills
3-10 Jody was taken by ambulance 3-8 and still in the hospital
She can get through this though. She’s a fighter. Young and in good health.
You can do this babe – 37 years strong – #jodyfstrong
Feel free to leave encouraging comments down at the lower part of this page
Tools, equipment, paint and more.
Auto Body Store
Hi Scott,
Just checking in on you and Jody…. both of you are in my thoughts everyday
as I mentioned before I was very fortunate to have met both of you in my life.
Wish you the best.
Best regards,
Don Boniface
Thank you Don. Jody is doing ‘okay’. She still can’t get up and walk.
She’s hanging in there. Most recent MRI shows no progression. Next MRI is in September.
I appreciate the comments. Hope you are doing good!
Heavenly Father, I come to you to ask that you be with Scott and Jody in this trying time. See that any of their needs in fighting this disease are met father. Be with the doctors and nurses overseeing Jody’s medical care lord. I pray that they look to you for all guidance and decisions being made for her care. Be with the family and comfort them, as I’m sure they worried and stressed. I pray that everyone involved looks to you and stays focused on you, as you are the perfect healer and answer to all. Forgive us all of any sins we may have against us. It’s in Jesus holy name that we pray, Amen.
I don’t know any of you and I just recently ran across some of your videos on YouTube. I’ll keep Jody in my daily prayers as well as the rest of those involved. Thank you for your videos and I hope all your needs will be met. GOD bless you all!
Hi Scott and Jody,
I was visiting your site for the first time in quite a while and was somewhat overwhelmed to hear of this news. From the very first project that you did for me, you guys were great – always making me feel like I was your #1 priority. All of my business was conducted through emails where I mainly communicated with Scott and phone calls where I mainly talked with Jody. You were always so kind, patient (with my many questions), and reassuring. I used to think to myself….”these are really great people” without ever having had the opportunity to meet.
My wife and I will definitely keep you in our prayers throughout your recovery.
Stay strong and remain positive……this is just a “bump” in the road and the smooth pavement lies just ahead.
Greg Deschapell
I really appreciate the post Greg!!! I’m sure Jody will read this as well.
Also thank you for that generous donation on the Jody Farrell GoFundMe page.
Thank you!
Scott & Jody – You all have been in my prayers since I learned of Jody’s cancer. I pray for Jody to have great strength and comfort to keep fighting through the treatment, and strength, stamina, and comfort for Scott as you support Jody, move the shop, and try to keep a “normal” life moving as you all go through this battle. I’ve always had a deep respect for you two, even more so now. Keep fighting and keep digging – I’ll keep praying.
Thank you so much for the post Bob. I appreciate that. Always enjoyed talking to you. Hope all is well with you and family
Wishing both you and Jody a Happy Birthday today!
Best regards,
Thank you Don!!
Hi Scott was thinking about you and Jody…. Have been following your updates on her chemo and radiation treatments wishing her a full recovery.
I think you mentioned she has a birthday tomorrow Friday.
Hi Don, Yes, Jody just completed her 16th treatment of 30 yesterday. She’s doing ‘okay’. She is doing better than I thought she would. The chemo pills and radiation treatments have run her down quite a bit. Hardly any appetite. Overall she’s hanging in there. Her memory is still good. I’m doing ‘okay’ to. LOTs going on with the shop move and trying to pull the load of 2 people.
Yes, it’s her birthday (it’s also mine) tomorrow (Feb 10th)
Thanks Don – take care
Hey Scott, I just wanted to let you know that you and Jody are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying for a full recovery.
RJ Gibbons
Thank you RJ!! Appreciate it
Thanks for the encouraging post. I’ll be sure to let Jody know you posted.
Congrats on you beating cancer!!!! What she is going though seems to be the start of what you went through . This is definitely a long process. We’ll get through it though.
Thank you
Hi Scott and Jody,
Hang in there. I had stage 4 bilateral oropharyngeal cancer that was just starting to go into my spine 5 years ago and now 5 years free. I found that the residual effects of the chemo and radiation didn’t really show up until about a week after the last treatment. I was extremely tired and brain fog was an understatement…. but, eventually you will strong and healthy again -it just takes time and patience. After treatments, there’s this tiredness that just sort of come out of nowhere and you feel like you have had a full work out; that’s normal and it eventually kinda goes away although, I still get a bit of it every month or so. Eat well, get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water and no stress’in!!!
Best to you and yours
Jay Horton
Jay Horton’s Private Shop