I wake up, go downstairs, and look in the room and Jody is gone. It’s still hard to fathom.
No more…. “Good Morning Sunshine” in the mornings.
No more ‘routines’, exercises, trips, canal walks, appointments to go to…the pain is now over for Jody.
Everyone is gone now, The house is quiet.
There is a huge hole in my life that I can’t see ever being filled again.
Even though I knew this day would come, it came faster than I thought.
I gave it my all I had to take care of Jody. She always had my back. She encouraged me, loved me, helped me become the man who I am today
Our anniversary, holidays, our birthdays together. No more
I know Jody is looking down upon me,Ashlee and family which will help me continue my own journey.
There are things that I wanted to accomplish before she passed like seeing the opening of the new shop, going camping 1 more time, going to the beach. Even if we could do just one more walk to the canal.
We were an awesome ‘team’ ! Jody made me feel I/we could accomplish anything.
She was my rock and the love of my life for 38 years.
She gave it she had!
Rest in Peace Fly High Sweetie
Jody Denise Farrell born February 10 (Ironically we had the same birthday), 1966 in Sarasota, Florida. Daughter of Betty and Dave Thrumston of Pinellas Park. She was one of 3 daughters (Kelli and Kim), and had a brother (John married to Susan).
Dave sadly passed away in 2005 with the same awful cancer that Jody had. Betty still lives in Pinellas Park with her husband Jimmie. Her sisters live in Pinellas, and her brother, wife, and family live in New Hampshire.
Jody went to Pinellas Park High and graduated 1984. She remained through the years in contact with some of her high school friends (Rebecca, Diana, Elaine and others).
Her first job was at the Wagonwheel Flea Market in Pinellas Park.
Soon after getting out of high school, she came up to me at Madera Beach very near “Archibald’s” (which changed it’s name to the Snack Shack), we talked for awhile, and kept meeting at Archibald’s… then the rest is history.
The best 38 years a man could possibly ask for.
We dated for a year before getting married on October 5th, 1985. We married at Church by the Sea on Madeira Beach.
We had our only child, a beautiful daughter named Ashlee Lynn Farrell born July of 1987. Married on September 8, 2007 to Nate Smith. They have 2 beautiful daughters names Sabrina and Vanessa. Jody was SO proud of them and watching them grow up into the fine young girls they are today. They put a smile on “Mammi’s” face anytime she talked about them, showed anyone pictures of them, or just seeing them in person.
Our first place was an apartment at SunTree Apartments at 142nd and 66th. Then we moved to Park Village Apartments on Bryan Dairy and 66th. Her parents moved to NC. So we bought their house off 66th and 100th Ave in 1989. We lived there for about 13 years until 2004. We found our current home which is off Starkey and 102nd in “The Woods” subdivision. We purchased it August of 2004. So this year marks being here 20 years.
During those years, Jody had a couple of other jobs working as a secretary/bookkeeper.
We started our business (Attitude Custom Painting) in 2002. Jody came on board 2003. Jody handled all the books, phones and helped out tremendously through the years in the shop itself.
She greeted the customers. Everyone loved Jody. She always went above and beyond the normal. I always liked listening to her interact with the customers. For 20 years, we spent more time and interacted with each other at work than at home. We were basically together 24/7, yet our love for each other never changed, We’d often pass each other on the way home and wave and smile and if she got home early, I was still anxious to see her and she was anxious to see me. She’d meet me at the garage door, when I pulled my car into the garage, and I did the same. When she was pulling in she had this smile, that only those really close to her know the smile I’m talking about. I often let Lucy out at the same time. Jody really loved our “Lucy Loo)
We’d often have our “Mike A Clock” time where we would chill on our patio and have a Mikes Hard Lemonade together and watch “Jodys Monarchs” flutter around her milkweed garden…and watch Lucy chase off the squirrels.
She loved me, encouraged me, and always had my back. She encouraged me and put up with me all those years building and enjoying my cars. She was a wonderful person, wife and mother. She was my best friend and and awesome team mate. She loved her family and friends and enjoyed going out being with them.
She will be deeply missed. It’s a hole in my life that I don’t know can ever be filled again.
Here’s to you Sweetie! Thanks for the best 38 years of my life a man could ask for.
—— you’re free sweetie, fly high
Our last canal walk. She went into the hospital the next day. She came back home on Sunday the 3rd, and passed on Monday the 4th
We’ve been on many walks to the canal. Our ‘go-to’ spot to walk. Ironically I took this picture facing the other way. I did this because, once Jody passed, I planned on placing a small cross in memory of her.
It just so happened to be our last walk. The next day she went in the hospital (Monday) and stayed until the next Sunday and passed on Labor Day.
Some quotes by Jody on this 9 months journey
Pudding Please
Candy Please
Tootsie Roll Please
Give me a minute
Hello, how are ‘you’
9-8 WED
Here it is, 1AM, I wake up, my first thoughts are to go downstairs and check on Jody…Oh no, I don’t need to, I forgot, she’s not here, she’s gone forever.
I come downstairs to type this….It’s very quiet.
No machines running. No sounds of her slapping her leg in a beat of a song. No more, her yelling out in small pains.
the thoughts of not seeing Jody ever again are running through my head.
Her smile, her dimples, her laugh, her encouraging words, the companionship, and fun we had through our 38 years.
She fought and she gave it all she had.
She’s in a better place.
9-5 TUES
Today marks 1 month away from our 38th anniversary (10-5-1985). I really thought she was going to make it through, but the pneumonia really hit her hard.
Lot’s of phone calls today. A fairly relaxing day, but busy with phone calls, especially back and forth with Ambetter and Marketplace.
Ash, Nate, and family came over. SO nice to have family, friends and neighbors. This is great.
It’s going to hit me hard when everyone is gone. It’s going to be extremely tough, but I’ll get through it.
9-4 MON (Labor Day) –
Jody Farrell, the love of my life, my partner, my friend for 37 years has passed away today
9-4-23, 2:47PM. She went away very peacefully.
Friends and family were here at her side.
You were the love of my life and my rock. There will be a huge hole that can never be filled
RIP Sweetie
8-26 Jody’s last meal (with my parents)
8-27 Out last walk to the canal which we did quite regularly
Jody looking out the front window August 25th.
8-28 – Jody was admitted to the hospital
8-3 Jody is brought home by ambulance at the request of me and Ashlee.
Many of friends, family, and neighbors stopped by Sunday and Monday. It was so nice seeing all the support
The below pictures were taken 9-3 and 9-4.
The picture with her eyes open was the last time she looked at me. She previously hadn’t opened her eyes for a day.
9-3 SUN
She arrived at the home at about 8:30. Hospice was also her. They had 2 machines to get her up to 15 liters of o2, and her oxygen actually stayed up over 90. We were really surprised.
They have her down to 10 liters not and it’s still over 90, but her blood pressure is going down.
We have well over 25 friends, family and neighbors that stopped by to see Jody. So comforting to know that she has this much love.
It’s still going to be extremely tough when she goes.
Me and Ashlee stayed downstairs at Jody’s bedside.
A hospice worker also stayed the night and kept an eye on Jody. They are giving her 12 hour care.
9-2 SAT
Went to see Jody at the hospital. She really isn’t doing much better. It was told by the doctor that she may only have a couple days to live. I wanted her home and not transported to a Hospice facility. I was told she could be transported that day, but we found out later she could not. So they let me spend the night. I slept in a recliner chair. I sure didn’t get much sleep. For some reason Sunstar Ambulance called at 1:40 AM. Then someone came in 2:30, 4:30, 5, 6AM.
I held her hand all night.
9-1 FRI
Went to see Jody at 8:15 at HSA (Northside Hospital). I need to take off. They’ve been so understanding. I could use more money, but right now, it’s trying to get Jody through this. It just so happens to be the day the that HR from Bert’s comes up and helps us out with any questions about their group health insurance….what timing.
I mainly had questions about the gap insurance. The insurance is only for me. Too risky to switch her over.
Anyways, Jody really is no better, no worse. Maybe a tad bit better. She is still on a ventilator 🙁
She can’t make it without it right now. She does have another bout of Sepsis along with the pneumonia.
Ash came out about 10. Then Nate and the girls about 3 or so. We had quite a bunch. Jody is loved for sure.
I hope she has a good night and gets better. Right now, I’m unsure which direction we will go.
Like the main doctor said, right now they are hour by hour and day by day.
Later in the day, the doctor feels Jody has a couple days to live. Me and Jody decided to let Hospice take over from her as her oxygen was at 60 liters to keep her at 95% + and I have no way to do that. She was supposed to be transported that day, but things changed and they could not do it. So Sunday AM they transported her at 7:30. They let me spend the night in the hospital. I didn’t get much sleep. For some reason Sunstar called me at 1:40AM. Then someone came in at 2:30, 4, 5, 5:30 and 6. I was concerned about them transporting since I overheard they could get 60 liters on the ambulance.
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