Custom painted board w/ flames painted for Billy Joel

This a custom made board that I painted for when Billy Joel came into town last week.
This was presented to him before the concert by Amalie arena.

It started out as a wooden board. 2K primed, black base/silver metalflake coated with candy blue
candy flames w/ airbrushed drop shadows, silver pearl flames.

Billy collects motorcycles. Hoping he hangs this in his museum

Feb 7th Amalie arena

billy joel01 sm

Billy Joel Amalie Arena, Feb, 7th, 2020

Billy Joel Amalie Arena, Feb, 7th, 2020

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2 Responses

  1. acp says:

    Hi Justin,
    Sure, fill out our estimate form, let us know what type bike you have and give us the details

    This is a blue metalflake base with candy gold, candy tangerine, candy red flames with a blue outline.

  2. Justin orme says:

    I would like to have my tank and rear fender painted the Billy Joel lame paint job.